General Questions on Quebec & Canadian Immigration

  • In compliance with regulations and laws of different jurisdictions and countries, an individual can receive a permanent/temporary residence visa or citizenship in a set destination via various investment options.

  • The status that is granted; citizenship, temporary/permanent residence or work visa.
  • Investment options and minimum amounts required.
  • Admissibility requirements.
  • The destination itself, candidates are expected to do their own research.
  • Residency obligations.
  • Regulations regarding dependants.

Quebec Immigrant Investor Program

  • Once a candidate is granted a permanent residence status via the program, there are residency obligations associated to maintaining this status.
  • Additionally, should a candidate wish to be granted citizenship after a certain number of years, he/she would also have to comply to a minimum residency obligation.
  • Contact us to see how this obligation applies to you.

  • Delays vary widely from case to case depending on the complexity of the file and the collaboration of the candidate in providing all necessary information and documentation.
  • Your file will first be processed by the provincial government of Quebec. If the application is accepted, your file must then be processed by the Canadian federal government for medical and security aspects. Both levels of government (provincial and federal), have delays associated with the treatment of each application.
  • Additionally, delays vary based on the territory of origin. Considering all these factors, it is hard to pinpoint an exact range in terms of delay. Contact us to receive an assessment of the delays associated to your immigration project.

  • It is possible for Quebec immigrant investors, to borrow and therefore invest only a portion of the minimum investment required.
  • If this is an option that interest you, please contact us to receive the terms and conditions of this option.

  • Translation of documentation.
  • Production of specific documents; Property evaluation, financial statements (if applicable).
  • When required, fees associated to travel expenses for selection interview.
  • Application fees related to the permanent residence application submitted to the

  • The Quebec Immigrant Investor Program does not contain any obligation of employment after the candidate has settled in Quebec.
  • Most applicants, once they have become familiar with the business environment and the language skills required in Quebec, will often decide to start a business or look for a job through the available channels.