Consultation Retainer Agreement

  1. Preamble: The Client hereby agrees to retain the Service Provider which will provide the initial consultation (the “Consultation”) legal service to the Client on a limited, non-exclusive basis. The whole subject to the following terms and conditions:
  2. Purpose of Consultation: The purpose of the Consultation is for the Lawyer to provide the Client with general legal advice and information regarding the Client’s legal matter.
    1. The Consultation is for the Lawyer to:
      1. learn about the Client and the Client’s particular legal needs based on the information the Client provides;
      2. answer the Client’s questions to the best of the Lawyer’s ability;
      3. identify the Client’s options and, to the extent possible, analyze the costs and benefits of those alternatives;
      4. help the Client determine their course of action, if any;
      5. discuss the Lawyer’s fees and terms of representation if a lawyer-client relationship is to be established after the Consultation; and
      6. determine the next steps in the process, as appropriate. The Client understands that the Lawyer is not retained until a separate written retainer agreement or engagement letter is signed by both parties.
  3. The Service Provider will provide a legal attorney registered under the Ontario and/or Quebec Bar Association for the Client (hereinafter the “Lawyer”).
  4. The Lawyer will provide the following services: (“Services”) :
    1. Client with the Consultation regarding the Client’s legal matter.
    2. The Consultation will be conducted by phone or online, at the Lawyer’s discretion.
    3. The Lawyer will listen to the Client’s concerns and provide the Client with general information about the legal options available to the Client.
    4. The Lawyer will not provide the Client with any specific legal advice during the Consultation.
  5. Limitations: The Lawyer’s advice during the Consultation is based solely on the information provided by the Client and is not intended to be relied upon as legal advice in any subsequent legal proceeding. Because it may be impossible to fully assess a matter within the time frame allotted for the Consultation or with the information or documents that the Client provides at the Consultation, the Client should not rely upon legal opinions during the Consultation concerning any legal matter. The Client acknowledges that the Lawyer has not conducted any independent investigation or verification of the information provided by the Client.
  6. The Client:
    1. must provide the Lawyer with such factual information and documentation as are required to perform the Consultation;
    2. must be accurate and honest and must inform the Lawyer of all information, even if negative or adverse, which might be relevant to the advice provided by the Lawyer in this matter.
    3. The Client acknowledges that laws, regulations, and court decisions may change after the Consultation and that the advice provided may no longer be accurate or applicable.
  7. Advice Current on Date of Consultation: The advice provided by the Lawyer to the Client is based on Canadian law and policy current on the date of the Consultation where relevant.
  8. Limitation of Consultation: The Lawyer does not guarantee that he/she will be able to assist the Client. The Lawyer makes no guarantee or representation about the outcome of the client’s legal matter. The Lawyer makes no guarantee
  9. Fee: The Client agrees to pay the Lawyer a consultation fee in the amount of three hundred and fifty Canadian dollars ($350.00) plus all applicable taxes, payable at the time of booking the Consultation.
  10. Payment: The Client can pay by credit card online.
  11. Retainer Agreement: Following the Consultation, if the Client agrees to retain the Service Provider, and if the Service Provider agrees to provide services to the Client, then the Service Provider and Lawyer will prepare a written Retainer Agreement, which will be more specific.
  12. Recording No recording is permitted and the Client agrees that any infringement to this matter will not be admitted as evidence.
  13. Confidentiality: The Client understands and agrees that any information or materials shared by the Client with the Lawyer during the Consultation, whether in writing, verbally or through any other means, will be deemed to be confidential and shall not be disclosed by the Lawyer to any third party, other than Lawyer’s agents and employees to the extent that it is necessary for the representation of the Client, without the prior written consent of the Client, except as required by law or as necessary to protect the Lawyer’s interests. This confidentiality obligation shall remain in effect even after the conclusion of the Consultation.
  14. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Quebec (Canada) which shall deemed to be the proper law hereof. Each of the parties hereto submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Quebec (Canada).
  15. Acceptance: The Client acknowledges that they have read and understood the terms and conditions of this Agreement. By payment of the required consultation fees, the Client agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and further agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
  16. Les parties aux présentes confirment leur volonté expresse que la présente entente soit rédigée en langue anglaise / The parties hereto confirm their express wish that this Agreement be drafted in the English language.